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Lorain County Historical Societies

Maps of Lorain County


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Military Records

My Family Pictures


Odds & Ends




Research Help

Research Requests
(for Lorain Co. ONLY)



Board Members Only

Want to join our group?
Click here to print out the membership application or you can pay here. Chapter dues are $20 per household. We go by the calendar year.


You will need Adobe Reader to open the membership application to mail in.

Membership in Lorain County Chapter includes an E-mail subscription to the Lorain County Researcher, our quarterly newsletter, containing member's queries, recorded videos of our monthly meetings with handouts, articles on Lorain County genealogy, news of affiliate organizations and publications for sale.


Most of our online forms are in PDF fill-in format. If your browser does not open the form in fill-in format, save the file to your computer and then open the file with Adobe Reader. You will then be able to fill in the document. Not all browsers support Adobe fill-in documents.






Updated 6 January 2025


Meetings are currently held virtually on the 2nd Monday of each month. Our programs begin at 7 pm.


The membership recently voted to continue with virtual programming. We will be looking at a couple of in-person meetings throughout the year. We welcome you to join us.


For more information contact:




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30th Anniversary Video



Check our Events link to see what is planned for the year.


Members will have access to old newsletters, videos of our monthly meetings along with handouts when speakers agree to be recorded, newsletters from other chapters, and educational webinars.

A Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society

Acting President:                       Margaret Cheney

Vice President:                          Vacant
Secretary:                                  John Kolb
Treasurer:                                  Norm Lewicki

Newsletter Editor:                      Pam Rihel
Lineage Chair:                           Margaret Cheney
Membership Chair:                    John Kolb
Website:                                    Margaret Cheney

Immediate Past President:        Norm Lewicki


Meetings are currently held virtually on the 2nd Monday of each month. Our programs

begin at 7 pm.



If you need to contact the Chapter, you may either send regular mail to:

Lorain County Chapter of OGS
P.O. Box 865
Elyria, OH 44036-0865


Or you may send an email to: contact@loraincoogs.org. Either way, we will respond as quickly as possible.


Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Lorain Chapter OGS

Copyright Notice: All files on this site are copyrighted by their creator. They may be linked to but may not be reproduced on another site without specific permission from contact@loraincoogs.org", and/or the contributor. Although public information is not in and of itself copyrightable, the format in which they are presented, the notes and comments, etc., are. It is, however, quite permissible to print or save the files to a personal computer for personal use ONLY.